Dealing with skin problems, discomfort, or any number of other problems in dogs can be challenging. Is your dog always itching, despite the fact that you feel as though you’ve tried all there is to try? Okay, so pretty much everything. As you look for ways to help Fido feel better, you discover that cbd oil for pets India or CBD balm could be an effective treatment option. It seems like it could be useful, but due to the fact that it is still rather new, you are understandably concerned about its level of risk. The question now is, exactly what is CBD balm, and is it safe for your four-legged pet to use?
What exactly is CBD balm?
The cbd oil for pets India or CBD balm for dogs is a topical treatment that contains CBD in its formulation. CBD is an abbreviation for cannabidiol, which refers to a chemical that is present naturally in the cannabis plant. However, unlike the other primary ingredient in cannabis, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), it does not cause users to experience a “high.” It is thought that CBD possesses therapeutic effects; hence, many people are turning to it as a treatment for the pain, anxiety, seizures, arthritis, and other health problems that their companion animals may be experiencing.
In addition to vitamin E, sunflower seed oil, shea butter, beeswax, coconut oil, and beeswax are some of the other substances that are typically present in CBD balm products.
Benefits and applications of CBD balm
Products for the treatment of pets that contain CBD can be found in a variety of formats, such as chews, snacks, capsules, oils, tinctures, lotions, and balms. The specific condition that you are treating should determine the kind of remedy that you go with. When it comes to addressing skin conditions such as allergies, hot spots, and dry skin, topical treatments are preferable to ingestible ones. Edibles, on the other hand, are a fantastic option for addressing difficulties such as anxiety and seizures.
Even though CBD oils and chews can still aid skin healing, putting cbd oil for pets online or CBD balm directly on specific problem areas, such as patches of itchy skin, can provide relief far more quickly. When CBD is consumed by the mouth, it must travel through the digestive tract, where it can potentially lose part of its efficacy. CBD may be absorbed through the skin and into deeper tissues much more quickly when it is applied topically, which allows the body to avoid absorbing it through the digestive system.
Additionally, because CBD is a CYP450 metabolic inhibitor, similar to grapefruit, it has the potential to momentarily counteract the effects of some drugs. If your dog is already on medication, utilizing CBD balm will allow you to prevent any possible adverse drug interactions.
Is it okay to use CBD balm on my aging dog?
According to a paper that was published by the World Health Organisation in 2017, CBD in its unadulterated form appears to be risk-free and is tolerated well by animals. Research conducted by Stephanie McGrath, a pioneer in the field of veterinary cannabis research, revealed hopeful findings from tests conducted on dogs suffering from epilepsy and osteoarthritis.
She claims that even though she is not yet wholly persuaded of CBD’s efficacy, she is at ease knowing that it is a harmless substance even though she is not yet totally convinced of its usefulness. However, she warns against providing CBD to a dog that already has liver problems because research has shown that the enzyme alkaline phosphatase (ALP) rises during treatment for the condition.
According to veterinarian Gary Richter, a high level of ALP does not appear to create any difficulties and can be reversed if the CBD is no longer administered to the animal.
How to choose a good CBD balm?
The CBD market for pet care products is not yet very well regulated, despite the fact that it is one of the CBD industry’s subsectors with the highest projected growth rate (it is expected to reach $125 million by 2022). Sadly, this indicates that not everything is manufactured correctly or precisely labelled; items may contain unlisted substances such as THC, which is poisonous to dogs.
It is required by law that CBD products contain no more than 0.3% THC, which is considered safe for use around animals. Look for a CBD balm that has a THC content of 0% and comes with a certificate of analysis (COA) if you want to make sure that you are purchasing a product that is both safe and of excellent quality. An independent, third-party lab should produce a COA, which should authenticate the product’s components and strength, show how much CBD and THC it contains, and include results from contaminant tests. A COA is issued by an independent lab. Check to see that the batch number listed on the COA and the one that appears on the label of the product are the same.
Before administering any CBD product to your canine pet, it is imperative that you consult with your primary care veterinarian first.
Early research and experiments demonstrate that CBD may be beneficial for pets, despite the fact that the CBD pet care sector is still in its infancy. CBD balm could be the solution to your four-legged friend’s problems if he or she is experiencing skin ailments.